Good of the Order
This year we had the honor of installing our first 2 ladies into the VFW as members and we welcome Heather Baptiste our first member and Mia McCaine our second member. Thank you ladies for your support in defending our nation and serving your country abroad!
Completion of the new exit door is almost complete, the steps are poured concrete and the walls are all in place and back filled. What's left are the Awning and the landscape. A lot of time and effort of volunteer's to the club are the contributing factor in the completion of this project and is greatly appreciated by all.
Meat Raffle
The Meat Raffle committee will be holding the last event for the season before everyone takes the summer break to sun and fun on sunshinny cape cod. Sunday June 27th at 3:00pm in the Bunker, come early cause the end of season event is usually a blow out. Thanks again to all the hard work the Meat Raffle committee has done again this year, with there support we're able to accomplish quite a bit!
Friday night Old School Karaoke has been a great success throughout the winter months and is off to a great summer start. Every week we continue to get new faces in the crowd and on the mic. Steve has just added to his collection of music and it's now doubled in size to over 120,000 songs. We've had the pleasure of hosting some pretty talented voice's for a Karaoke event and as always you never can tell what local celebrity will be in town paying us a visit. 1 year in and still going strong! Thanks to all for the support!
The Pavilion
The warm weather is hear again and we're about to open the Pavilion for the summer events, lots of picnics, reunions and barbaques! Thanks to our volunteers we were able to replace the roof over the Kitchen and we've made some interior additions to the Pavilion Kitchen. We'll be getting it ready to open the first week of June.
Up-Coming News
We are working toward the addition of a Horshoe Pit area out back and look forward to hosting a few tournaments this summer. Time to break out the competative spirit and have some good old fashion summer time barbaquing fun.
Thru the efforts of all the volunteer's both members and non members we've had a very successful winter and look to continue outside thru the summer months with just a much energy. Again thanks for all that continue to support our post and our goals to make sure our post continues to strive and grow.